Who am I

Hello there! My name is Oriol and I'm a software engineer and musician based in Barcelona. I'm passionate about two things: music and technology. On this website, you'll find a blend of both. Currently I'm working as a full-stack developer in a tech company.


I started coding when I was 15, following online tutorials. Since I found it enjoyable and at this point in my life I wanted to become a game developer, I decided to pursue a Computer Science Degree. In 2022 I graduated at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and quickly landed a job at a small tech company.
Most of the projects showcased on this website were created during my spare time, driven by the deisre to learn new technologies and/or help people improve their lives. Currently, they include a to-do list plugin (for DAWs), an additive synthesizer plugin (developed as my end-of-degree project) and a few small games I developed while studying.


I started making music at the age of five, beggining with the trumpet. I followed the classical program of my local music school and came close to completing it, I was just one year away of graduation. Later, I decided to start exploring songwriting and msuic production. After struggling to find a singer and feeling unsatisfyed by artificial voicebanks, I decided to start singing myself.
At this moment I've released a number of songs, some of them available in Spotify and other digital music platforms, as well as a few covers which I've shared on Instagram. I'm also playing the trumpet in a local brass band.
